
Thank you for choosing to explore where Pilgrimage of Love: My Journey from Catholicism to Shamanism will take you! Travel along with me on my lifelong search for a spiritual path that is personally meaningful to me, is infused with divine guidance, and supports me as I seek to integrate my spiritual life into every dimension of my everyday life.

Let yourself be energized as you follow my studies with internationally renowned futurist, Dr. Jean Houston, and witness the soul-stirring experiences I have as I journey with her on pilgrimages to sacred sites throughout the world.

Reflect on how you would cope with situations such as challenges to your basic beliefs, holding to your values in a chaotic world, living a life of service, aging, and end-of-life issues as I share my struggles with these, and similar life-altering circumstances.

Most importantly, follow my spiritual evolution as my search ultimately leads me to know that all of my life has tangibly been guided by Great Spirit and by spirit beings who are always available to me.

May you be inspired!


of Love


by Anne Bruetsch

“It is truly a splendid and much needed work that Anne Bruetsch has created.”

~Jean Houston, Ph.D.

About Anne

For Anne Bruetsch, a steadfast spiritual pilgrim, it took writing this book for her to see the thread connecting the various turns her life journey has taken, each seemingly distinct from those that went before. They all were, it turns out, steps leading her to an ever-evolving awareness of the spirit beings who continuously guide her to the next right step of her life purpose and spiritual evolution.